90 min Business Strategy Sessions

First Client Session 

This is for you in you are at Stage 1 – Starting Up 

You know you want to start offering Consultancy services but you haven’t got the first idea how to find people that will buy them.  So you keep putting off doing anything about starting your business until you figure it out. Ideally you would like to have a client before you start your business at all but is that even possible? What if they want you to start working for them and you aren’t ready?  Will you lose them before you even get started?  And what are you supposed to charge for Consultancy services anyway?

With all of this going around in your head it’s no wonder that most Businesses never even make it out of the starting blocks.  Not knowing how to find clients is the number 1 reason people give up – often before they have even gotten started.

The confidence you get from knowing how to find clients is immeasurable.  But until it happens it’s almost impossible to believe that anyone will actually pay you for the information that is in your head.

This one off 90 minute session will help you to understand the things you can do to find your first client before you even start your business.  We will cover the 2 things you need to be able to sign up clients (yes there are only 2) and how you can put them in place.

So are you ready to get started?

Step 1 – Choose a date for the session by going to my ONLINE SCHEDULER  (Please note that the appointment times are pre set at 30 mins – choose a time and I will increase the length of the session up to the 90 mins when I send you the booking confirmation).

Step 2 – Click on the button below and choose the Find your First Client option to be taken to PayPal to purchase the session – If you do not have a PayPal account you can still use this link to pay by card as a guest.

Step 3 – As soon as I get your booking and payment notification through I will email you the Zoom link so you can access the session with me at your chosen time.

The sessions are recorded and you get access to the replay for 6 months so you can re-watch it as often as you like.

Choose your Session

Retainer Clients Session 

This is for you in you are at Stage 2 – Securing 

For most HR Consultants the first year or so can be a bit messy.  We take on clients and projects we know we should be saying no to, we undercharge, we work far more hours than we ever intended to (usually for a lot less money due to the undercharging part).

But eventually there comes a point where you need things to start settling down a bit – you want more financial security, you want to get back some of your evenings and weekends, you want to be able to stay with your clients for longer and really help them with the ongoing development of their teams and businesses.

You are ready for retainer clients.

Usually when people get to this stage they have 3 main questions

  1. What do you include in a retainer offer?
  2. What do you charge for a retainer?
  3. Where do you find Businesses that will buy retainer services?

And maybe another concern along the lines of – If I have retainer clients does that mean I will never be able to have time off ever again?

At this 90 min session we will map out your tailored sales plan for finding retainer clients and we will answer all of those questions.  At the end of this session we will have identified the opportunities that already exist within your business to sell retainers, you will know what to include in your retainer offer and what to charge for them and you will have an outline marketing plan that you can start working on immediately.

Because none of us can live on our last nerve forever!

Step 1 – Choose a date for the session by going to my ONLINE SCHEDULER  (Please note that the appointment times are pre set at 30 mins – choose a time and I will increase the length of the session up to the 90 mins when I send you the booking confirmation).

Step 2 – Click on the button below and choose the Find Retainer Clients option to be taken to PayPal to purchase the session – If you do not have a PayPal account you can still use this link to pay by card as a guest.

Step 3 – As soon as I get your booking and payment notification through I will email you the Zoom link so you can access the session with me at your chosen time.

The sessions are recorded and you get access to the replay for 6 months so you can re-watch it as often as you like.

Choose your Session