What is Business Growth Coaching?

Business Growth Coaching is an option which is available to exisiting clients when the programme you are on comes to an end or when you feel like you and your business would benefit from an element of 1 to 1 support.

When you sign up for Business Growth coaching you will get the following support

1) A fortnightly 30 minute coaching and implementation zoom call with me.

During this call we will,

~ Check in on your progress towards the business goals you are currently working on

~ Discuss any business related challenges you are experiencing in order to form a plan to overcome them

~ Set your goals and commitments for the areas you will be working on for the following 2 weeks

2) Access to the Business Club Library of training workshops so you can build up your business skills

All the sessions are delivered on zoom

The fee for Business Growth Coaching is £45.00 a month.

There is an initial minimum 3 month commitment and then it is provided on a rolling monthly basis which can be cancelled whenever you wish.

Business Growth Coaching